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How to inspire creativity: 10 ways to make the magic happen.

Creative Block is real. Here's how to loosen up.

Feeling stuck and uninspired? Worried you’ll never have a good idea again? If this sounds like you, don’t panic, this is far from the end of your creative career. You may just need a jumpstart to get those creative juices flowing again. Luckily for you, you’ve come to the right place.

Creativity is like a muscle. It requires regular working out in order to make those all important gains. Simply sitting back and waiting for inspiration to strike is a recipe for frustration and failure. If you are stuck in a creative rut or simply looking for tips to boost your creativity and inspiration, then we’ve got your back. 

  1. Go on a walk and take photos
    Just get out of the house with your phone or a camera and challenge yourself to look at your surroundings in a new way. Creativity doesn’t always have to be complicated
  2. Doodle
    Pen and paper are your best friends. If you are struggling to concentrate, doodling will likely activate your brain’s “unfocus” circuits, give your “focus” circuits a break, allowing you to ultimately think more creatively.
  3. Take a sketchbook to an exhibition
    Jot down notes, sketches, ideas, observations, that can all serve as sources of inspiration for future projects. 
  4. Keep a journal
    Track your ideas and follow your creative process. Journaling can lead to a goldmine of ideas that can serve you well in the future. 
  5. Lego
    Now you might think that lego is limited to the under-10s but there are a whole community of adult lego enthusiasts. As a tactile hobby it is a great creative release that also challenges you mentally. 
  6. Knitting
    On the other end of the spectrum, knitting is often thought of as something for the over-50s. But it actually has been shown to increase cognitive function on both sides of the brain. It also offers a much needed respite from screens, which is always a bonus. 
  7. Cook a new recipe
    Cooking is often overlooked as a creative discipline but can actually help you to be mindful, creative and push for mastery. Remember, no two people ever cook the same. 
  8. Gardening
    A classic example of a mindfulness exercise in which there are no limits to your creativity. It may require a little more patience as you wait for the grass to grow but the mental and physical payoffs are worth it in the long run. 
  9. Make a scrapbook of a holiday.Scrapbooking is a great way to channel your creative energies into a project whilst also helping mark special memories (and no it’s not just for mums). 
  10. If you're still looking for a challenge, tackle a real-world creative brief for top brands on Talenthouse.