Democratising creativity and elevating Creatives worldwide

Believing that creativity is fostered through raw talent and skill, Talenthouse aims to recognise and reward these assets, without being restrictive around formal certification or acknowledgement.

Talenthouse believes all workers, including those who work on [digital] platforms, deserve fair working conditions. This is why we are pioneers of fair crowd work, working closely to improve our conditions with independent auditors of platforms. Today, Jovoto is ranked #1 by both and the Oxford Internet Institute (part of the University of Oxford) global Fairwork Foundation initiative, which provides the benchmarks for fair ‘cloudwork’. Jovoto is also a signatory of the ‘Fair Crowd Work’ Code of Conduct and the Fairwork Pledge to honour the principles of fair pay, fair conditions, fair contracts, fair management, and fair representation.

Offering opportunities to work with international brands, financial reward and global recognition, Talenthouse enables Creatives to get their work seen, appreciated and compensated. The upcoming launch of the ElloU platform aims to ensure that our global community of Creatives are remunerated for their work, and offer an alternative to existing financial services available for creative freelancers.

Supporting organisations with strong social purpose

Talenthouse prioritises collaboration with socially-conscious, non-profit organisations. A recent Talenthouse brief in partnership with the United Nations called for creative submissions to help the UN encourage worldwide vaccination uptake. It received approximately 5,000 submissions which all live on Talenthouse X UN’s Creative Content Hub. An additional brief calling for creative work to offer emotional support to those who were mentally affected by the pandemic received ~400 submissions highlighting the importance of human connection.

Alongside a commercial focus on impact led-innovation, Talenthouse strives to retain a strong sense of social consciousness at the heart of its business activities. Jovoto has a partnership with the World Food Project’s EMPACT project, in which it aims to provide digital skills training and work opportunities to refugees.

Working towards B-Corp certification

As testament to Talenthouse’s aim to build an inclusive and sustainable business, the company is embarking on a significant change process to more closely integrate its businesses, and is exploring B-Corp certification as a way to fully embed its social mission in the emerging structure. As Talenthouse moves towards B-Corp certification and continues to integrate its acquired businesses, a focus on contributing to a new, greener economy will take centre stage.

As Talenthouse moves towards B-Corp certification and advances with the merging of its acquired businesses, a focus on contributing to a new, greener economy will take centre stage. The global crises we’re currently facing require a new set of rules and corporate responsibility, and 2022 will see over an 800% increase in the amount of ESG focused meetings that take place internally.